In 2008, as the Great Recession began to stop, the report of my visit on Barack Obama’s President’s campaign took me to one American city after another which had re -moved from the major retrenchment. I visited places like Cocomo, Indiana, losing a lot of work in Christler and Delphi plants that by the end of the year it was labeled in Loren, Ohio, one of the fastest dying cities in America, where Obama visited a national gypsum plant which was closed four months later.
After each trip, I will return to my home in Metro Washington, DC, Alexandria, Virginia in the area, and can be killed by how the country’s capital was removed from the pain felt in such a country. Not only was it untouched due to its high proportion of government employment, it actually enriched as a result of the recession, as the federal economic stimulation ended living with a lot of beltway contractors, who administered the expenses.
When my growing family started searching for a big house in 2009, we left our corner of Alexandria. As prices were decreasing in every other metro region of the country, they were still growing in the internal suburbs of Northern Virginia.
Now the situation is rapidly reversed. The tireless sketches of Elon Musk, as a result of the government’s efficiency department, are large pruning in and around Washington. In the week ending February 22, Columbia district increased by 25% from the week before the claim of unemployment and was four times more than a year ago – and it is only the beginning. The district’s chief financial official has predicted that the city, where the federal government is responsible for a quarter of almost all wages, may lose more than 40,000 jobs over the next few years, more than the fifth of its total, estimated that it will spend more than $ 1 billion in revenue to the city.
The decline is spreading through DMV – DC, Maryland and Virginia – an area where about tenth of all jobs is with the federal government, not to mention thousands of people working for contractors dependent on federal expenses.
Disadvantages are already appearing beyond numbers: Youth starting again from highly educated professionals to resume from the linkedin to handle their apartment pattas to handle others, to discuss this or that family to bet and leave the city.
It also appears in the very scenario of the city. The Trump administration placed the headquarters of several government departments in the list of “non-core” assets, which are slapped for offloading as they are empty or under-less-the departments of justice, labor, agriculture, health and human service, energy and housing and urban development. This adds the possibility that cruelist and classic revival buildings built in the 20th century may be vacant one day, such as the 19th -century factories abandoned on many poststrological cities in the country.
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During the second presidential post of Donald Trump, Propublica will focus on areas that will focus the most in the need for investigation. Here are some issues that will be looking at our reporters – and how to safely contact them.
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All this raises a question that was recently unfathomable: is the capital of the country, so the government has long been blessed as the city of the company, which has been in danger of luck as many other company cities over the years? And if this is, then why are people not worried about it beyond Metro Washington? When Detroit was in free fall, Obama intervened to grant bail to the auto industry, needing help by deciding a great American city. But now, the administration in power itself is giving a fateful blow to a major city.
It is not difficult to find out some resentment from Trump colleagues and supporters of those areas, which are not growing well in recent times. Till 2012, when the country was finally emerging from recession, seven of the 10 wealthiest counties were in Metro Washington; With investable assets of over $ 1 million, the number of areas of high-net-trial houses had increased by 30% since 2008. While the midwestern community such as JD Vance’s hometown, midletown, Ohio, was being crushed by OPODE epidemic. From the beginning of the 1990s, 400% were coming closer.
There is also fuel recently for Schdenfreude on Washington’s pain: Federal activists were much slower than other industries to return to the office after epidemic, making it easier for the Trump administration to casts many of them as cossated and unproductive. The firmness of remote work in the federal government had made Washington a desolate in recent years, as it contributed countless rapidly casual lunch places, retail stores and a major film theater. There is no small irony in the fact that Trump’s returns-to-office order has brought more lives on the streets on the streets, which bothers the city so much with adjacent sorting.
Dogi Cuts will not cause much harm to the true economic aristocracy of this region. There will still be lobists racking in six-unconvincing contracts. Trump has greatly lowered that aspect of the so -called marsh; If anything, the Dogi attack has led to many areas, such as higher education, spending more on lobists. There will still be beltway-bandits consulting firms, already soaked some of the work done by government employees and national security contractors, lining the solid highway approach to the duals airport.
The actual goal of the cut would be a more modest type: Career Civil Servant, who, in many cases, could earn more money in the private sector, or the security guards and office cleaner return to the working class in the working class in Anocostia or Prince George County every evening. These are the people-from fasting finance analysts to food-security researchers and administrative assistants-who are now looking for other work or considering leaving the region completely.
Cuts will be particularly barely falling on the black residents of the region, who have long been relied on as a ladder for the middle class on federal employment. (Black people make a large part of the national federal workforce.)
Looking at all this, I cannot help, but the city of another company can be taken into consideration: my own hometown, pitsfield, massachusetts. It was once held to three major divisions of General Electric, which was appointed more than 13,000 people in a county of about 130,000 in the mid -20th century, which maintained widely shared prosperity in a city with steller public schools and a moving main road.
But by the time I reached the High School in the late 1980s, the company was operating back in a fast clip under the leadership of Jack Welch, who himself came through rank in Pittsfield. My classmates and I one by one, looked at the families of engineers and managers from a distance and the city spread the city. Finally, many of us decided to manufacture our career. The population of Pitasfield has fallen a quarter since 1970, and only 1,000-odd people are employed in a company that took over one of the Rump GE units, one of the General Dynamics.
Washington is unlikely to suffer from a fortune, given many times, who have attached themselves to their economy beyond bureaucracy. Tourists will still come to praise monuments by thousands, even though some large stone buildings are empty, such as the ruins of the Roman stage. But the experience of the cities of the pitsfield and such a large company reminds how the biggest employer in the city takes a big hit and the ladder moves upwards towards mobility. The echo of the plight of all those other cities is the reason for some sympathy, or at least offer, as the beltway now absorbs its blasts.
I am a passionate digital marketer, content writer, and blogger. With years of experience in crafting compelling content and driving digital strategies. I’m always exploring new trends, optimizing strategies, and creating content that resonates with audiences. When I’m not working, you’ll find me diving into the latest digital marketing insights or experimenting with new blogging ideas.