I’ve studied over 200 kids. The 5 signs you’ve raised a ‘highly spoiled’ one—and how parents can undo it

When we picture spoiled kids, many of us think of tantrums over not getting what they…

Parents with 2 toxic habits raise kids who are bad with money: CEO

Mellody Hobson, 54, grew up in a single-parent, low-income household. Her mother’s money habits made her…

Key is enforcing 4 norms

mother picking up her teenage daughter from her basketball practise Srdjanpav | E+ | Getty Images…

If you can answer these 5 questions about your partner, your relationship is stronger than most

Most couples think they know each other well, but real intimacy is a lot more than…

I’ve studied over 200 kids—the most successful ones have parents who did 9 things early on

When we think of successful kids, many of us picture straight-A students, sports trophies, and college…