Regarding luck in 2020 Chilling 2020 prediction goes viral after the death of death by Fortune Taylor.

Fortune Taylor's 2020 prediction goes viral about whisung's death: 'It seems that you are considering taking a final decision ...'

Korean star Wheesung Was kept to rest Private cremation In the weekend. After the photos of the ceremony were online, Star’s fans stumbled on a video posted by a Korean Fortune Taylor in 2020, predicting the death of the singer.
The video of Fortuneteller who went viral online watchs the demise of his predisposition to Visung, while asks fans to help him reach for him. According to reports, woman’s name Kim Yeon only Originally uploaded a video on May 1, 2020, expressing his concerns about the singer’s good and shared, “I am very afraid to keep it myself, so I’m posting it as a video. I really hope that the Visung will see this.”
In the clip, Kim said that she feels forced to share her vision, fearing that it would be wrong to keep it himself. He described by looking at “Sadness in Visung’s eyes” and expressed deep concern over his emotional situation. “I looked at his presence at death,” he said, urging the singer to take care of his heart and seek stability. “You have a soft soul and body, so it seems that you are flowing and staggering. No person is really listening to you or understanding you. In depth.”
The video has provoked online shock and debate, the audience commented, “I can’t believe it was predicted four years ago.”
“This is the most chilling video that I have seen this year,” another said, while a fan admitted, “I think there was a lucky superstition, but now …”
Whisung, whose real name was Choi Vhi-SangOn March 10, he was found dead at his home in Seoul. The authorities did not indicate dishonesty, but the cause of death was ‘unknown’ and further investigation was pending.
On 16 March, a funeral service was held at the funeral hall of Seoul Samsung Hospital, where fellow entertainers and more than 100 fans gathered for farewell. His younger brother, Dr. Choi Hyuk Seong gave an emotional message, which revealed the long -standing struggle of the singer.
“My brother was always alone and struggling. Our family wanted to help, but it was something that could not be resolved by others,” he said, urged fans not to blame themselves. A psychiatrist participating in the service said, “Sometimes, there are aspects of the disease beyond human control.”
Choi Hyuk Seong said, “Please pass the music of Visung for the next generation so that he can never forget. By doing this, my brother will live with us forever.”

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