PS Plus Game Catalog UFC 5, Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown will add more in and March

Playstation Plus Game Catalog Lineup has been revealed for March. EA’s MMA Fighting Title UFC 5 Headline This month’s game catalog addition. The game brings many improvements and refinements on its predecessor and is the first game in the UFC series to be developed in the EA’s Frostbight Engine. PS Plus Game Catalogs will also add action-platforms Prince of Persian: The Lost Crown, Arcade Soccer Title Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions, Retro Arcade Management Sim Arcade Paradise, Interactive Adventure Game Seberia-World First and more. All the games joining the subscription service will be playable from March 18 for PS Plus additional and deluxe/ premium tier members.

Sony also announced the PS Plus deluxe members this month to be included in PS Plus Classics Catalog and PS VR2 title. Last month, PlayStation Parents revealed the PS Plus Monthly Games for March – Dragon Edge: The Vealgard, Sonic Colors: Ultimate and TMNT: Dowbunga Collection. Three monthly sports are currently available on service to all PS Plus customers.

PS Plus Game Catalog Title for March

UFC 5 joined the game catalog this month, bringing an authentic MMA fighting experience. The game has a new damage system, in which blood, sweat and facial damage are depicted during the fight. The UFC 5 has improved fighting mechanics which streamlines grappling for rapid submission.

It has a single-player career mode and an online career mode where the players’ custom fighters have participated in the matches. UFC 5 will be available on PS5.

UFC 5 1 UFC 5

UFC 5 has a realistic damage system
Photo Credit: EA

This month’s addition also includes Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. A metroidvenia platform, the game takes inspiration from action platforms such as dead cells and bundles, which make fierce platforming and hard boss fights. The players are put in the shoe of the sargon, the task of finding the kidnapped prince in the curved maze of Mount Coff is assigned.

The game emphasizes exploration, encourages players to find mystery and discover hidden treasures and challenges. Lost Crown will be available on both PS4 and PS5

Graphic Adventure Game Syberia: The World Bifour The Joint Game Catalog March, as well. Developed and published by Microids, the fourth game in the Syberia series follows the stories of two characters, Kate and Dana during the two time periods of 1937 and 2004. Set in Eastern Europe, encourages sports search, although players see clues in their environment as interactive explorations.

Syberia: The fourth game in the Syberia series before the world is the first game and it will be playing on PS4 and PS5.


Syberia: The world has been developed by microids before the world
Photo Credit: Microids

Playstation Plus additional and deluxe/ premium members this month are given a complete list of games coming on PS Plus Game Catalogs:

PS plus classics catalog

Sony is adding three classic armored core games to the Classics Catalog for PS Plus Deluxe/ Premium members. These include the first entry in the iconic fromsoftware chain, armored core; Second Game Armard Core: Project Fantasma; And the third entry in the franchise, the armored core: Master of Arena. All three will be available on both PS4 and PS5.

Finally, PS VR2 owners will get Arcade Paradise VR as part of their PS Plus deluxe/ premium membership this month. All sports will be added to service on 18 March.

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