Prosecutors say that there will be an argument to protect Kohberger that evidence was imposed in the case of Idaho students.

Bois, Idaho – Prosecutors say Brian Kohberger’s defense team would argue in his murder case that another person could have stabbed knife sheath with DNA of Kohberger at home, where four universities Idaho students were killed in 2022.

Latah County Prosecutor Bill Thompson claimed in the resolution filed in the case this week.

“Instead of challenging the conclusion that the DNA belonged to the knife’s sheath, the defense expert revelations show that the plan to protect the DNA on the knife’s sheath does not prove that the defendant was at a crime site anytime and the knife could be put by the real criminal,” Thompson wrote.

Many court documents that details the plans of both sides for expert witnesses have been sealed, so it is not possible to compare the characterization of defense plans against his court filing of Thompson at present.

Kohberger is accused of murder in the death of Ethan Chapin, Xana Kernodle, Madison Mogen and Kaylee Goncalves, who were killed in a rented house near their premises in Moscow, Idaho on the morning of 13 November, 2022.

Last year, it was asked to enter a petition, Kohberger became silent, a judge motivated him to enter one-to-one-dated petition on his behalf. The prosecutors have said that if Kohberger is convicted, they will seek the death penalty.

Prosecutors have stated that they match “Touch DNA”, which have been found on a knife sheath near one of the victims, which uses the genetic genealogy, or IGG techniques, analyzed for DNA taken from Kohberger. Defense lawyer Anne Taylor pushed the discovered genetic lineage taken out of the case, but the 4th District Judge Steven Hippler refused the request last month.

Nevertheless, prosecutors say that they do not intend to refer to IGG evidence during the test and instead will tell the gamblers that a “tip” took them to Kohberger as a suspect.

Kohaburger’s test is scheduled to begin on August 11 and is expected to run for more than three months.

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