Openai Whistleblower Sutir Balaji’s mother shared image from the day of her death, question CCTV failure, toxic science report

Openai Whistleblower Ashir Balaji’s death is back in the headlines. On 15 February, the Chief Medical Examiner and police of San Francisco concluded that Suchi Balaji’s death was a suicide after being found dead in his apartment on 26 November last year.

However, his mother, Poronima Rao, has constantly disputed it, alleging a conspiracy to murder.

Poornima Rao has once again raised many questions about the investigation, to indicate the discrepancies and the use of sedative in the X.

While sharing a picture of Suchir Balaji almost from the day of the incident, Poronima Rao claimed that despite seeing the footage, the office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) concluded that his son was depressed and ruled a suicide over his death.

“Another cover by OCME: He told our lawyer that GHB is endogenous 3 days after death. But we came to know that the endogenous GHB level is less than 5000NG/L. The Autopsy report stated in a line that the toxicology report will only include GHB will be included only when it is more than 50000 NG/L. It will open a muscle with this combination. Possibly fainting. We are waiting for the poisonous to give a written report (SIC), ”Rao added to his post.

Read , Openai Whistleblower Ausir Balaji’s death officially ruled a suicide

In another post on the microblogging platform, he highlighted the suspicious activity with CCTV cameras in Suchir Balaji’s garage and neighboring buildings.

“Another suspension stopped working in Suchir’s apartments and neighbors’ garage. One of the lift CCTV also stopped working. This M*RDER conspiracy is executed to see the long -term plan and Suchir (SIC), ”Rao accused.

Poronima Rao also shared a post from X user Mia Stretch, who supported her claims. Mia Stretch posted, “Suchir did not take his life! Suchir was not sad – completely opposite! He was a fearless force, which was putting every ounce of his bright spirit in a tireless discovery of justice, with fierce determination, unbreakable pleasure, and a blazing strength. 🙏 (SIC). ,

What did the dead body reveal?

The Autopsy report first supported the police investigation, in which the San Francisco Police Department official Robert Rureka found “no evidence of the foul play”.

According to a letter from San Francisco Police Department and OCME, Suchida Balaji took his life, and according to a report, a gunshot wound found on his head, according to a report LuckThe OCME found no evidence to suggest anything other than suicide by a self-imposed gun pellet wound on the head.

The former Openai researcher did alcohol and amphetamine in his system at the time of his death. Investigators also found that he was searching for information about brain anatomy on his computer.

The gunshot residue was found on both her hands, and her DNA was found on a pistol located under her leg. The documents at the scene confirmed that Suchi Balaji was the owner of the gun. According to the report, the Balistics Test later confirmed that the pistol was used in his death, as reported by

Sain Francisco Police Chief Bill Scott and Executive Director of Medical Executive Office David Serano Sewell said in a letter, as reported by, “Based on the information reviewed, there are insufficient evidence to end Mr. Balaji’s death.”

What did Poronima Rao of Suchir Balaj, Poronima Rao say?

However, Openi researcher Suchi Balaji’s mother, Poronima Rao expressed concern about the investigation conducted by the San Francisco Police Department, who committed suicide the death of her son. Alleging that his son was murdered and Suchir’s apartment was vandalized, he demanded an FBI inquiry.

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Business newsnewsworldopenai whistleblower Sutir Balaji’s mother shared image from her death day, question CCTV failure, toxic science report


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