Male practice player gambling in women’s basketball team

According to Clarian Laser, a male practice squad player in the women’s basketball team of Mississippi State University, participated with the program and violated the NCAA rules by betting on the game.

The player allegedly made six bets in NFL and College Football Games, six bets from 28–30 septies. The player did not make any bets related to his team or college basketball, which was according to the records received by the outlet. He started working for the team four days before allegedly betting.

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A picture of a basketball circle

The player allegedly made six bets in NFL and College Football Games, six bets from 28–30 septies. (Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

In response, the university has increased its game Wagging Rules Education for all male practice players and now needs to sign an acknowledgment form.

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A basketball goes through a circle in a college basketball game

A spokesman for the Athletics Department, Clarian Laser said, “Our compliance office does a lot of intensive work to educate all employees and students-athletes regularly on sports betting.” (Dialon Buel/Getty Images)

The player has allegedly deactivated his game betting account.

The SEC has not imposed any additional punishment according to the Clarian laser.

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A spokesman for the Athletics Department, Clarian Laser said, “Our compliance office does a lot of intensive work to educate all employees and students-athletes regularly on sports betting.” “We have a good system for monitoring. That process/system allowed us to quickly and address that specific issue quickly and adequately.”

Fox News has reached Mississippi state for digital comment.

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