HIV Prevention: Scientists developed annual HIV injections: How can it help millions of people.

Scientists develop annual HIV injections: How can it help millions of people

HIV prevention An annual injection is carried forward with the development of an annual injection that can provide long -term protection against the virus. Recently a clinical trial has demonstrated promising results, suggesting that it can serve as an effective alternative to long-acting injected drug daily oral prep (east-exposure prophylaxis). Scientists and medical experts believe that this advancement can change the method of prevention of HIV, especially for those who struggle with daily drugs.

What is the annual HIV injection and how does it work?

Injected treatment LenakavirOne is Long -working antiretroviral drug It works by blocking the virus from replication within the body. Unlike oral prep drugs, which require daily intake, the Lenkapavir is designed to administer only once a year, making it a convenient and reliable option. The drug is intramascularly injecting and is gradually released into the bloodstream, maintaining the level of effective concentration to prevent HIV infection.


Clinical Testing Results: How effective is it?

Clinical trials have shown that a single annual dose of Lenkapavir maintains high efficacy in preventing HIV. Research found that the level of concentration of the drug in the body remained above the required limit for more than 52 weeks, which is necessary for continuous protection. Currently compared to the prep injection of the current twice-annual leather, the Lenkapavir demonstrated high medium concentration levels, suggesting better and long-lasting conservation.
The test reported that most of the adverse effects were mild, the most common side effects were temporary injection-site pain, which was solved within a week. This shows that the drug is not only effective, but also well tolerated.

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How can this progress help in HIV prevention

This new approach to HIV prevention addresses many obstacles that people encounter with current appearance options:

  1. At the risk of HIV conflict, many individuals have to struggle to take oral medicine continuously. Once the injection of one year eliminates the requirement of the daily reminder, making people easier to be preserved.
  2. Taking a daily pill can cause some stigma, discourage individuals from using prep. An annual injection offers a prudent option without the burden of carrying the drug.
  3. This long -term security can benefit from unstable housing, limited healthcare access, or difficulty participating in frequent medical trips with low clinical trips.

What is HIV?

HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system, especially the CD4 cells (T cells), which helps in fighting infections. If left untreated, HIV can weaken the immune system, causing more unsafe for the body diseases and infections.

HIV (1)

How does HIV spread?

HIV is mainly transmitted:

  • Unsecured sexual contact with an infected person.
  • Sharing contaminated needles or syringes with viruses.
  • From mother to baby during delivery or breastfeeding.
  • Blood transfusion (although rare due to strict screening measures).

Difference between HIV and AIDS

HIV itself is virus, while AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is the most advanced stage of HIV infection. Not everyone develops AIDS with HIV, especially with proper medical care. Modern antiretroviral treatment (ART) can help people with HIV live a long healthy life without the progress of AIDS.

Symptoms of HIV

HIV symptoms Different on stage basis:
Early stages (acute HIV): Flu -like symptoms such as fever, swelling lymph nodes, sore throat and fatigue.
Chronic stage: The virus gradually multiplies with light or any symptoms.
Advanced phase (AIDS): Severe immune system damage is leading to infection, rapid weight loss and excessive fatigue.

Can HIV be stopped?

Yes! Some major preventive measures include:

  1. Using condoms during sexual activity.
  2. East-exposure Profilaxis (PREP), a daily pill for high-risk individuals.
  3. Avoiding needle-sharing.
  4. Regular HIV testing and initial treatment.

With progress such as annual HIV injection, prevention can be even more effective and accessible, which can significantly reduce new infections.

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