Got some eggs? America asked Europe

Got some eggs? America asked Europe
A boundary symbol hangs on the performance of brown eggs in the Costco Warehouse (AP Photo)

Copenhagen: The United States has reached Denmark and other European countries, asking if they can export eggs because Americans have faced an increase in egg prices, the Egg Association of Nordic Country said on Friday.
The US Agriculture Department requests the request of Europe to coincide with a fleet of new American tariffs, and there is a threat to more. US wholesale egg prices are shattering records as a rapid outbreak of bird flu in the supply of chickens slash. Trump promised to reduce the prices of eggs on its first day in the office, but the prices increased by 59% on the basis of year-on-year in February throughout the month of his administration.
A letter reviewed by Reuters has revealed that a representative of the US Agriculture Department in Europe sent a formal inquiry to the producing countries at the end of February, seeking information about their ability and desire to export eggs to the US market.
“We are still waiting to get more guidance from Washington in the next stages, but do you have anticipated the number of eggs that can be supplied to the United States (assuming that they meet all import requirements),” a follow -up letter Danish Egg Association Said in the beginning of March. The letter received last week said, “Washington is trying to estimate the amount they may possibly source.”
The Danish Egg Association said that they will look into it but there is no surplus of eggs in Europe. He said, “There is a lack of eggs everywhere globally as consumption is increasing and many are affected by bird flu,” he said.
The spokesman said that he had requested more information on the terms of such agreement, highlighted it. Egg exports The US was challenging due to rules related to cleanliness and other factors.
Turkey said in February it started exporting about 15,000 tonnes of eggs to the United States. Brook Rolins, Secretary, US Agriculture Department, announced a plan to search for imported eggs as part of an attempt of $ 1 billion to deal with bird flu last month. The US embassy in Copenhagen did not immediately respond to the remarks request.
(This is a Reuters Story)

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