Elon Musk launched an appeal to restore $ 56 billion Tesla payday

The payment package awarded the musk options for buying about 303 million Tesla shares, if the company hit the performance and assessment goals (file).

The pay package awarded the musk options for buying about 303 million Tesla shares at around $ 23 if the company hit the performance and assessment goals (file). Photo Credit: AP

Elon Musk on Tuesday kicked her appeal to try to restore her $ 56 billion payment from Tesla, claiming that the lower court judge made several legal errors in cancellation of record compensation.

The 2018 salary package resulted in a great increase for the electric vehicle manufacturer and yet it was determined by the lower court of Chancery to be inappropriate for shareholders, who voted twice to approve the plan, Mask argued.

The inaugural appeal given by the directors of Musk and current and former Tesla, “that counterer result has defined the principles of Delaware Law, Sound Corporate Governance and Common Sense.” In January 2024, Chancellor Cathalan McCormic canceled the pay package of stock options, calling it “bottomless”.

He said that it was unfair for Tesla shareholders as directors who had approved it were looking at Kasturi and Tesla before they voted to approve it. In June, Tesla was approved by the shareholder for the second time pay package, but the judge rejected him as the basis for reversing his decision.

The payment package awarded the musk options for purchasing about 303 million Tesla shares, if the company hit the performance and assessment goals. Tesla Stock closed at $ 230.58 on Tuesday. Tesla has said that creating a new pay package of similar value can lead to a fee of $ 25 billion, making the appeal an important avenue to restore the compensation of Musk and take care of Tesla.

Musk has said that he wants a large stake in Tesla or he can develop products outside the company. This appeal comes when he is dedicating time to President Donald Trump’s official efficiency effort, known as Dog, who has given rise to demonstrations outside the Tesla dealership. The stock has fallen rapidly in recent weeks.

In brief the appeal, Kasturi and other defendants stated that McCormic incorrectly applied a very difficult legal standard, known as the entire fairness to assess the pay package.

According to the brief, the board owned 21.9% stock at that time, with which the board approved the salary package, controlled the pay talks. In addition, he incorrectly determined that simple business relations between the directors disputed him and wrongly blamed Tesla’s revelations before the 2018 shareholder vote.

Brief said that the implementation of the entire impartiality standard to provide Tesla shareholders to provide a “license to sue”, the brief said. The lawsuit was brought by Richard Torteta, a Tesla investor, who had the owner of nine shares when he filed a case in 2018. The lawsuit benefits Tesla, not Torteta, known as a derivative suit.

Musk destroyed the salary decision and encouraged other companies to follow Tesla and SpaceX and get them out of the delaware. A handful of state has left or said that they can be including the meta platform, tripaidvisor and Trump’s media company.

It is feared that a trick of companies would turn into a stampede, which has been described as “dexit”, motivated the state legislature to amend its corporate law to protect the shareholders better to control the cases.

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