Allu Arjun’s wife, Allu Sneha Reddy, shared her first social media post following the actor’s arrest and regular bail in connection with the death of a female fan at the premiere of ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’ in Hyderabad on December 4. In her new Instagram post, Sneha shared numerous happy moments from the past year as she welcomed the New Year, 2025. However, what truly captured the internet’s attention was her pendant with ‘AA’ written on it.
check out the post here:
On January 6, Sneha posted a photo compilation from 2024, beginning with an adorable selfie of herself. The second photo featured their children, Arha and Ayaan, playing with a dhol during Christmas celebrations. Another image showcased Allu Arjun enjoying heart-warming moments with his children as he hugged them tightly while the kids laughed with joy. The collection also included pictures of their pet dog and some food items, but the final photo stole the spotlight. In this picture, Sneha looked stunning in pink ethnic attire, complemented by a golden chain featuring an ‘AA’ pendant. The pendant symbolises Allu Arjun, who also named his production house ‘AA’.
One fan commented, “The chain she is wearing in the last pic 🤌🏼❤️😭.” Another wrote, “I am sure that you and your family will have never-ending happiness 🖤.”
The Nampally court in Hyderabad granted regular bail to Allu Arjun on Friday (January 3) in the stampede case at Sandhya Theatre. The actor was arrested by the police on December 13 after a complaint was filed by the victim’s husband. Although he secured interim bail on the same day, he was released only a day later.
The actor reportedly offered Rs 25 lakh to the deceased woman’s family and has now been asked to discreetly visit her injured son, who has been hospitalised since the tragic incident.