AP said that Tulsi Gabbard said that Trump, Putin’s good friends’

Associated Press withdrew a story published on Monday, incorrectly claimed that the director of the National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard said that President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin were “good friends”.

“Associated Press has withdrawn its story about Tulsi Gabbard, USA’s US director of National Intelligence, stating that President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin are very good friends.” Gabbard was talking about Trump and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The link to the original story displays the “page unavailable” message. The outlet published an updated piece, showing Gabbard that Modi and Trump were good friends, including an editor’s note in the end, which was removed by the original article accepting the AP, which included “wrong reporting”.

“AP has removed its story about the American director of Tulsi Gabbard, the US director of National Intelligence, stating that President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin are ‘very good friends’ because it does not fulfill our standards. We informed customers and published a right story with an editor’s note, which is transparent about errors.”

Gabard says

Alexa Henning, Deputy Chief of Staff of Gabbard addressed the headline on X.

“@AP is the total waste. DNI @Tulsigabbard was referring to Modi and President Trump and this is the title they publish. That is why no one rely on the media media.

AP Trump has confronted the White House since the President took over, as the outlet was stopped from some White House incidents that refused to call the Gulf of the Gulf of the US Gulf.

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AP, Tulsi Gabbard

Associated Press on Monday removed a story about DNI Tulsi Gabbard. (Left: (Chain Long Hei/Sopa Image through Getty Image by Lighterocate), Right: (Photo through Getty Image))))

White House press secretary Karolin Lewitt also collided with an AP reporter on the tariff in the briefing room on March 11.

During an exchange in the briefing room, AP reporter Josh Bok said, “Sorry, have you paid the tariff? Because I have,” AP reporter Josh Bok said during an exchange in the briefing room. “They do not charge duty on foreign companies. They charge duty on importers.”

“And finally, when we have a fair and balanced business, which the American people have not seen in decades, as I said in the beginning, revenue will remain here, wages will increase, and our country will be rich again,” said Levitt.

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Livit insulted the reporter’s question.

“And I think it is derogatory that you are trying to test my knowledge about economics and the decisions made by this President. I now regret giving the Associated Press a question,” he said proceeding to another reporter.

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