Nutrition affects measles severity, RFK says: What do you know here

As measles cases spread in many American states, the spotlight is on the prevention of highly infectious disease.

While the vaccine is widely considered as the first line of protection, some experts suggest that nutrition plays a role in reducing the severity of the disease.

HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy, Junior recently, NYU Langon Health and Fox News Senior Medical Analyst, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Dr. The subject was discussed during a special interview with Mark Sigal.

Watch the full interview with Dr.. Mark Sagal and RFK JR. On Fox Nation

“We need to understand the relationship between good health and chronic illness,” RFK told Siggle.

Children hospital bed

As measles cases spread in many American states, the spotlight is on the prevention of highly infectious disease. (Istock)

“If you are healthy, in modern times, being killed by an infectious disease is almost impossible for you – because we have nutrition … and access to drugs. We need good science on all these things so that people can make rational options.”

During the interview, RFK stated that in Texas – where more than 200 cases of measles are reported in the current outbreak – malnutrition can be a factor.

Vitamin A as measles treatment? Rfk jr. Comments of the comments sparks on profit and risk

He said, “Doctor I am talking on the ground, community leaders, are reporting that people who are getting sick are (malnourished),” he said.

“There is a lot of poverty in that region, (which) is a type of food desert,” RFK said.

In 1963, before the start of the vaccine, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the US died between 400 and 500 people every year in the US.

Little girl in hospital

“The doctors who are talking on the ground, the community leaders, are reporting that the people who are getting sick are (malnourished),” said RDK Junior. (Istock)

“Almost all of them were malnourished children,” RFK said. “Measles is still a very, very deadly disease in abroad and developed countries where there is less malnutrition.”

“The best thing Americans can do, keep yourself healthy-it is very difficult, it is very difficult for measles to kill a healthy, well-nurtured person.”

“We see a correlation among those who are hurt by measles and those who do not have good nutrition.”

Nutrition is “important” for prevention of overall disease, HHS secretary told Seagal.

“We need to eat good foods. We need full foods. We need to exercise a lot,” he said.

“We see a correlation among those who are hurt by measles and those who do not have good nutrition or do not have a good exercise.”

Infectious pathologists weigh

San Francisco Biotechnology Company, CEO of Sentivax, Dr. Jacob Glenville agreed that measles is more likely to severely affect children in developing countries who are extremely malnourished.

He said, “Historically, less than 1% of American children die of measles, while PAN American Health Organization reports that in some developing countries more than 10% of children die of measles, and a study by malnourished African infants stated 25% to 50% high.”


“Historically, less than 1% of American children die of measles, while PAN American Health Organization reports that in some developing countries 10% of children die.” (Getty image)

Glenville said that lack of quality medical care in many areas of the developing world also contributes to the severity of the disease.

“While better nutrition is important for American children, it is unlikely to make a difference for measles or severity-90% well fed but American children will be infected in contact with measles, 20% of them will be hospitalized, and 0.1–1% of those children will die.”

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Dr., an infectiologist at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. Trish Pearl stated that malnutrition may spoil some immune system reactions for many infections – but in case of measles, the answer is “complex”.

“For example, malnutrition may reduce the strengthening of the MMR vaccine’s reaction,” she told Fox News Digital.

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“The vaccine is still effective, but in some cases, an additional dose may be required.”

Studies have shown that children who are malnourished with vitamin A deficiency and live in lower and medium-ordered countries, have more serious illness with measles infection, faces a growing risk for death and blindness, and takes longer time to be better, Pearl said.

MMR vaccine

CDC recommends that adults and juveniles are up-to-date on vaccination, depending on individual risk factors, with one or two doses. (Istock)

“There is no treatment for measles beyond accessory care,” she said. “However, in low and medium-or-I countries- the death rate is more than 1%- the World Health Organization recommends vitamin A (two doses) to reduce the severity of measles and prevent complications.”

This issue is not as prevalent in the US, where vitamin A deficiency is “extremely rare,” the doctor said.

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According to Pearl, what formal study has been done by giving vitamin A to measles children in the US or other high -income countries.

The American Academy of Pediatrics, however, recommends children with severe measles hospitalized children to have two doses of vitamin A as supervision by a healthcare provider.

Board-Prime Minister Dr. with medical offices of Manhattan. Jonathan Jennings also said that many studies have found nutrition that the clinical course of children who contracted measles virus can “heavy effects”.

“The risk of fatal consequences increases in children that are already malnourished before infected,” they told Fox News Digital.

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“Infection is known to spoil the nutritional condition, which affects the child’s immune system and the ability to recover.”

Gennings recommend a balanced diet with a variety of colored fruits, vegetables, proteins and healthy fats, as the virus -infected once as a means of preventing complications.

A girl eating healthy foods

A specialist recommended a balanced diet with a variety of colored fruits, vegetables, proteins and healthy fats, as once a means of preventing complications infected with the virus. (Istock)

“Vitamin A -containing foods are particularly helpful, such as carrots, spinach and dairy products,” he said.

“Many studies have identified vitamin A supplementation as a means of preventing eye damage, which is the complexity of measles infection.”

Nutrition is not an option for vaccine, experts say

While proper nutrition is important to prevent many chronic health conditions, Pearl emphasized that vaccination is the “only documented method” to prevent measles infection and “the most important action that anyone can do.”

“Vaccination should be given whether a person is malnourished or not.”

“The vaccine has been in use since 1963 and is considered extremely safe,” he said.

“Vaccination should be given whether a person is malnourished or not, as it is the only way to stop measles.”

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RFK also recognized the importance of vaccines, given that HHS “is sure that whoever wants the vaccine can get the vaccine.”

“Khasra protects the vaccine community,” he Dr. Told Seagal. “We are recommended that the people of this country get vaccines … (and) we also respect their personal options.”

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Jennings also reiterated the importance of vaccines.

“The most effective way to prevent you and your family from getting measles is to be vaccinated against the virus,” he said.

CDC recommends that adults and juveniles are up-to-date on vaccination, depending on individual risk factors, with one or two doses.

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