Former Philippine President Dutee arrested for facing the legacy of thousands of people killed in drug crackdown

Manila, Philippines — Former Philippine President Rodrigo Dutee, who left a barbaric legacy on his deadly drugs anti-drugs Crackdown, was arrested on a warrant issued by the International Criminal Court, for crimes for crimes against humanity for thousands of people killed against drugs in a political career for decades. His detention reduced an international inquiry into the murders, which emerged for more than a dozen years.

Duterte again came into the limelight during a weekend visit to Hong Kong, when the journey speculated that he went to exile during a visit to Hong Kong, who to avoid an international international arrest warrant. He appeared on Sunday at a gathering of thousands of cheering and flag-waving Philipino migrants as the keynote speaker, who blocked the Southorn Stadium in the downtown van Chai district.

Now in 79 more poor health, Duterte campaigned for his political party Senator candidates before the mid -term elections on May 12 in the Philippines. He said he knew that the international criminal court had issued a warrant for arrest on his campaign against illegal drugs, killing thousands of suspects.

He again tried to justify the cruel action and the mob made him happy. On the basis of ICC warrant, the police arrested him as soon as he got off the aircraft at Manila International Airport.

Here Duterte is more about his ICC case and what is ahead for one of the most unconventional leaders of Asia in his time:

A former prosecutor, Congress and Southern Philippine city Davo for a long time Mayor Duterte created a political name with Elights, Chief Roman Catholic Church and his frightening-level outbreaks against West. He was also seen as a pro -poor and populist, but he is probably remembered the best for criminality, especially a cruel approach to illegal drugs.

Under the Crackdown, his police-laughable in Davo at the beginning of the Millennium, the estimated 1,000 poor suspects were exceptionally discontinued. A police officer involved in the killings of Davo, who later survived the dutarte, told The Associated Press that more than 10,000 suspects were killed by him and other police and civil hit squads under the dute.

The toll of death in Crackdown was dangerously high, receiving Duterte surnames such as “The Panishar” and “Dutee Harry”, with a very little relationship with the Western film police character.

Human rights activists said that people were afraid of testifying against Duterte in court.

In 2016, Duterte won the presidential post on an adventurge, but promised to eliminate illegal drugs and corruption within three to six months, which was in a long -term country of crime and corruption scams.

“All of you who are in drugs, you are the son of a bitch, I will actually kill you,” Dutee told a big crowd at a 2016 campaign stop in Manila. “I have no patience, I have no middle ground. Either you kill me or I will fool you. ,

The United States, the European Union and other Western governments raised an alarm on an anti -drug campaign, in 2016, Duterte inspired the then President Barack Obama to “you can go to hell” to tell him to tell him to “break up with America”.

The ICC began an investigation into drug killings under Duterte on November 1, 2011, when he was still the mayor of Davo, as possible crimes against humanity on 16 March 2019. Duterte withdrew to the Philippines in 2019 from the law of Rome in 2019, a trick in a trick. A trick activists say it was aimed at avoiding accountability on murders.

The Dutert administration went to suspend the global court investigation at the end of 2021, arguing that the Philippine officials were already looking into the same allegations, the ICC – a court of the final resort – did not have the jurisdiction.

In the ICC’s decision in July 2023, the appeal judges resumed the investigation and dismissed the dutart administration objections. Based on the Hague, the Netherlands, the ICC can move when the countries are reluctant or unable to prosecute suspects in the most heinous international crimes, including crime against genocide, war crime and humanity.

President Ferdinand Marcos Junior, who succeeded Duterte in 2022 and got involved in a bitter political dispute with the former President, has decided not to join the global court again. But the Marcos administration has stated that if the ICC asks the International Police to detain Dutee through the so -called red notice, it will cooperate, to detect a request to law enforcement agencies worldwide and temporarily arrest the crime suspect.

China, which controls Hong Kong, and the Philippines currently does not belong to the ICC, but both are members of the Interpol. The global court may issue a warrant for the arrest of Duterte through Interpol.

In the ICC cases against Duterte, a leading Philippine politician told AP that the global court in the weekend had issued a warrant for the arrest of Duterte through Interpol. The politician spoke on the condition of anonymity not to print a name due to lack of rights to discuss the publicly sensitive issue.

Neither ICC nor Interpol have so far confirmed the issuance of an arrest warrant.

In his gambling speech on Sunday before the Filipino workers in Hong Kong, Duterte again justified his deadly anti -drug campaign campaign, saying that it protects the Philipino people.

Duterte refused to authorize extraordinary murders, but when he was in the office, he openly and repeatedly threatened to kill suspected drug dealers.

“What was my sin?” Duterte asked in Hong Kong. “I did everything in my time, so there may be some peace and peace in the Filipino.”

He said he was ready to go to jail, but he said that the gesture was asked to donate to the crowd for the construction of a memorial – which he suggested with his hand gestures that he be shown holding a gun.

Duterte had said that he retired from politics after his stormy presidential president ended in 2022. But in another change from his earlier comments, he registered for the Vice Mayor in May to run for the Mayor of Dao to run with one of his sons.

In Davo, additional police forces were deployed at the international airport and additional posts were installed, stating that they were ready to be prepared for any contingency before the mid -term elections. Forces in Davo and other places may move if the arrest was to ignite unrest, which the Marcos administration said that it could cleverly handle.

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